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Quickly find issues with our different built-in search options.

Linear search page


We offer a few different ways to search and find issues in Linear. You can search issue titles and identifiers across the full workspace, including archived and deleted issues, using our search workspace shortcut / .

You can use the advanced search button which is our most powerful search and it searches across issue titles, descriptions, documents and comments. We also have other search options that let you quickly search just the issues in the view, find recently opened issues, and open an issue quickly with the issue ID.

/ to search all issues in workspace by title, description, comments

Cmd/Ctrl F to search issue titles in the current view (board, list, Inbox)

O then I to view recently opened issues

O then I to quick search issues by issue ID or title


Search workspace

Click on the search button in the top left or type / to open the quick search menu and then type your query. Search looks for issues and documents across the full workspaces and matches the issue ID or terms in the title, description, or comments. You can search by ID exactly e.g. LIN-123 or shorthand e.g. lin123. The search term will be highlighted if it's in the title.

We sort search results in what we assume is the most relevant order, showing unstarted and in progress issues first, then backlog, completed, canceled, and archived issues.

To further refine your search, you can use operators such as:

  • AND to include both terms.
  • -keyword to exclude a term.
  • "keyword" to search for an exact term. Without quotes, searches may also include results for similar terms (for instance, issues containing "test" may show up in a search for "testing").

Note on searching with stop words:

When not customized, the filter removes the following English stop words by default:

a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with

ProTip: Use filters to refine search results. Apply them after entering the search by clicking the search icon in the upper left using Cmd/Ctrl F to search a view (list, board, Inbox).

Recent issues

When you open the search menu, you'll be shown recent searches as well as a list of recent issues for easy access. You can also find recent issues on the macOS desktop app by clicking the clock icon above the lefthand sidebar or launching it with O then I.

Search specific views

Type Cmd/Ctrl F to search for issues within the current view. The search bar will appear in the top right corner next to the Display Options button. You'll need to search by exact issue ID or words in the title. This search acts more like a temporary filter, so as you type, only matching issues remain on the board or list. Press Esc to clear the search and show all of your issues.

Search Inbox

Cmd/Ctrl F can also be launched in the Inbox view. Search by user, notification type, issue ID, or issue title. For example, searching for New comment will update your Inbox to only show issues of that type.

Quick issue open

You can search and open issues by their exact issue ID using the command line. Type Cmd/Ctrl K, then the issue ID e.g. LIN-123 or lin123, then Enter to open the issue.

Quick issue search

The shortcut O then I will open a recent issues search where you can also search for issues by issue ID or title. This supports partial word search but will only search by title (not description or comments).