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Set issue priority to indicate which issues to complete first.

Linear app showing the priority menu on an issue


Priority is an optional property for Linear issues and issues are set to have No priority unless you set one. You can add the following priorities to issues: low, medium, high, and urgent. The fastest way to set priority is with the shortcut P.

P to set or change priority


Set priority

Select an issue or issues or from the issue view, type P and then select the issue priority. Use the shortcut again to change or remove the priority.

Priority ordering

By default, issues without a priority show up at the top of list views ordered by priority. We do this as a nudge for you to set the priority. If you prefer that issues without a priority show up last, you can set this preference under team settings > general.

List or board ordering

On list views, you can group or order issues by priority by customizing view options. On board views, this is not possible as the only ordering option is manual (we're considering adding this in the future).

Urgent Notifications

When you set issues to have Urgent priority, we'll send a notification to the issue assignee and immediately send an email notification if they have those enabled.

Custom priorities

We don't have the option to set custom priorities or more granular priorities. We've done this on purpose, since it's easy to get carried away with specificity and add so many options that it becomes harder to set priority and leads to diminishing returns. If you really need more granularity, the best workaround is to create additional statuses to create another layer.