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Download Linear

Linear is available on browsers, macOS, and Windows.

Image showing Linear icon


Linear is available as a desktop application, from the browser, and on mobile or tablets as a PWA. Native applications for iOS and Android are in development. We recommend using our desktop clients for the best experience.

Desktop Clients

Linear is available for macOS Intel, macOS Apple Silicon, and Windows. Download the desktop app at

These are the benefits of using the desktop app:

  • The notifications are nicer and integrated with the native OS. This is especially useful to Safari users since that browser doesn't support our browser notification system (made with PushAPI).
  • Linear is always on and the dock quickly alerts you to unread notifications
  • Keyboard shortcuts have less risk of conflicting with browser-based presets or custom shortcuts
  • Option for tabs within the app

The desktop app downloads and installs updates automatically in the background.

Chrome desktop app
Download this progressive web application by opening in the Chrome browser, then clicking on the install icon that appears in the URL bar.


Go to to sign in. We'll launch Linear directly in your browser window.

Nearly all functionality in the desktop app including offline mode is available on the web. Linear should work on most evergreen browsers. We recommend Chrome or Safari and do our best to maintain support for other popular browsers such as Firefox and Brave.

Open in desktop app: This browser preference opens Linear links in the desktop app if installed. Universal links can be configured from the browser version Account > Preferences > Open in desktop app.

Brave Shields
Brave users should disable "Brave Shields" for the domain to allow the website to connect to and open the desktop app automatically.


Use Linear on your mobile or tablet devices with our Progressive Web App (PWA). Go to to sign in. Because of our performant client and offline sync, the mobile app is also really fast.

Save to homescreen

Add a shortcut to the website to your mobile phone or tablet's homescreen to access Linear faster on the go.

Open in Safari, tap the Share icon, then select the Add to Homescreen action.

Command menu

You can bring up the command menu on mobile with a two-finger tap from anywhere on the screen. This makes it incredibly easy to select and then take an action on issues in mobile.

Copy with clipboard

Use the clipboard to upload images or videos to issues and comments. Just copy the photo in your Camera Roll and then paste it into Linear.