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Comments and reactions

You can leave a comment or reaction on any issue visible to you in Linear.

comments and reactions on a Linear issue


Comments and reactions allow for note taking and/or team collaboration within an issue.

All users with access to an issue can post comments and threaded replies. React with emoji on the issue description itself, or on individual comments or threads.

Post a comment

Comment on an issue by clicking into the "Leave a comment…" text box at the bottom of any issue you are viewing. While issue descriptions are instantly visible and saved automatically, you will need to click the Comment button or ⌘/Ctrl Enter to post the comment to the issue.

Attach files to a comment using the paperclip icon, ⌘/Ctrl Shift A, or drag and drop.

If you navigate away from the issue before posting your comment, the comment will be saved as a draft locally until you navigate back to the issue and post it.

Edit a comment

To edit an existing comment you wrote on an issue, click on the three dots ... icon to the top right of the comment and select edit. Click save to save any changes you make.

Emoji react to issues and comments

You can leave an emoji reaction on an issue or a comment by clicking the "Add reaction" icon visible at the bottom of any issue or when hovering a comment.

All official Unicode emojis are available by default. Custom emojis can be uploaded individually (JPG, GIF, and PNG formats are supported) or imported in bulk from your Slack workspace via the Emoji settings page.


Thread comment on Linear issue

Threads allow for continuity of a topic mentioned in a comment. To create a threaded comment:

  1. Hover over the comment you'd like to respond to
  2. Click on the arrow icon for Reply to comment in the top right.

    If a thread already exists, click into the text box at the bottom of this comment thread and start crafting your response. Send threads as you would a regular comment

Resolve threads

Resolving threads visually clarifies when a question has been answered, or when a decision is made. This is particularly useful in longer threads to clearly identify the resolution made.

Mark a thread as resolved through the overflow menu on the root message. To showcase a specific resolution, resolve a thread from a particular reply to expose that reply specifically.

Further actions

To take action on an existing comment, hover over the comment and click on the icon to the right of the comment. From here, you can choose to

  • Subscribe to the thread
  • Copy link to the comment
  • Create a new issue or sub-issue from the comment
  • Delete the comment