Linear for Ops and Marketing
If you use Linear for operations, sales, marketing or other business functions, here are some tips and helpful workarounds to make the most of Linear.
Custom workflows
You can customize workflows on every team to match the processes for your business area. The default Linear workflow follows a typical product flow of Backlog > Todo > In Progress > Done > Canceled but you can modify workflow status names and add more.
For example, for sales, you might use Lead > Contacted > In discussion > Onboarded > Closed-won > Churned while for content creation you might use Ideas > Todo > In Progress > Drafted > In Review > Ready to publish > Published > Canned.
Linear has powerful filters that you can use and combine to build shareable Views. You can refine searches by various parameters including due date.
Recurring issues
Use the in-built recurring issues feature in Linear to create issues automatically at a regular cadence. You can turn templates and existing issues into recurring issues from the steps mentioned here.
Alternatively, you can use Schedule by Zapier to create recurring issues in Linear. Follow the steps in Zapier or the video below to create a template for the recurring issue. It'll show up in your Linear issue list at the scheduled time.
Create issues outside Linear
Hook up any form supported by Zapier to create issues whenever the form is filled out. This is great for collecting sales leads, customer follow up, user research, and reports from external stakeholders. If you do a lot of calls and need follow up issues for each one, you can set up an integration to create a Linear issue every time you add a new calendar entry.
Support tooling
Use our existing integrations with Zendesk, Intercom, and Front to create issues for your team and easily get back to users when bugs are fixed and features launch.